The use of botulinum toxin A (Botox) for wrinkles is an established treatment method in aesthetic medicine. The mimic muscles in the face, forehead and neck area, which are responsible for the formation of wrinkles, are relaxed and smoothed.
Mimic wrinkles develop over time due to frequent tensing of the facial muscles. Wrinkles such as frown lines, worry lines on the forehead, laugh lines and crow’s feet are signs of overactive muscles in the facial area.
Botulinum toxin A is injected into the respective overactive facial muscle and inhibits the signal transmission from the nerve to the muscle. The active ingredient causes the muscle area to relax, whereupon the mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. Of course, natural and expressive facial expressions are still possible despite botulinum toxin A.
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and is completely scar-free. It is not necessary to anesthetize the areas to be treated. As the nerve endings in the affected muscle form again, the effect of botulinum toxin A must be renewed approximately every six months. If the formation of wrinkles is already very advanced, a combination therapy with Botox and hyaluronic acid is common. If you are interested, please contact us and make an appointment. With the help of a skin examination, we can quickly determine whether treatment with botulinum toxin A is an option. You can find more information on the areas of application of botulinum toxin A and hyaluronic acid on our blog.